New Pagans are back with new single ‘Admire’, a peculiar love song about sticking around for someone, after the spark of newness has gone. Admire began as a series of late-night scribbles, Lyndsey was thinking about the perseverance and restraint needed to uphold a long-term relationship. The lyrics taunt at the mundane nature of longer alliances, but equally celebrate the resilience and beauty found in being content and committed to another person. When New Pagans play this song live they usually joke that it is their only love song, and ask their audience to relish the moment.

As a society we have become increasingly obsessed with youth and newness, we are colossal consumers who flick through thousands of platforms and playlists daily, struggling to commit to anything, or anyone. ‘Admire’ is a gentle reminder to slow down and appreciate what we already have. There’s nothing to be scared of, we are all collectively in a state of decay but it doesn’t have to be a pilgrimage we resent, we can let go of our fears and enjoy the scenery.

Admire was written and recorded straight to tape at Analogue Catalogue with Julie McLarnon in the Irish countryside last winter. Lyndsey was heavily pregnant during the recording, and although she struggled with having enough breath at times, the vocals have been left raw and exposed, exaggerating the visceral nature of the lyrics and the sentiment. It’s a love song for anyone who knows how tough it is to stick around. Available on all online streaming services on Friday 14th  February 2020.

Their debut EP ‘Glacial Erratic’ is due for release on March 06th 2020

New Pagans are:

Lyndsey McDougall – vocals

Cahir O’Doherty – guitar

Claire Miskimmin – bass

Conor McAuley – drums

Allan McGreevy – guitar