Review – TWISTED at the Theatre at the Mill

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Review – TWISTED

Theatre At The Mill

Until Sunday 24th February 2019

Esler Burke’s musical ‘Twisted’ burst onto the stage of the Theatre at the Mill on Wednesday evening and is continuing to wow audiences. Although an amateur production it is a joy to watch, Esler has written a script that holds the audience as we discover that Oliver Twist has a half brother who is up to no good, that he is in love with a delightful young girl working in the market but his plans for romance just didn’t work out and his brother threatens both of their lives.

The beauty of this show is the light and shade in the story and the colour and joy of the scenes in the East End market. The stage is filled with young people singing Esler’s catchy songs and energetic dancing, looking into the audience and smiling so we smiled back. The dancers are all teenagers, the cockney urchins even younger. Jamie Young plays Oliver, tall, handsome and a young man with a lot of talent. Although only 15 years of age Lucy McMath who played Oliver’s Jane and the attractive rascally Dodger, Robbie McMinn is only 13, like the rest of the members of the Home Spun Youth Theatre, they draw us in with their enthusiasm and stage craft. These young people are supported by more experienced actors, notably stall holder Megan Mooney a bountiful Meg larger than life and she wins our attention.

At the very opening of the show a screen descends to show the band playing the overture and again at the end we see the musicians led by Wilson Shields, indeed Esler Burke has the best working with him, Wilson as musical director and orchestration by Mark

Dougherty, a man with international credits to his name. He said that of all the original projects he’s been involved in in recent times, Twisted is special and has the potential to be repeated and developed in the future. He even mentions ‘West End’ and ‘Broadway’ in the same breath.

Despite the brutal violence necessary to eliminate the baddies, everything works out and the final scene has us tapping our toes and clapping along in time with the delighted cast who knew they had done a good job and celebrated along with the audience and the standing ovation was justified.

It’s a warm and happy night at the theatre and as for Esler at 72 years of age he’s fulfilling a life time ambition, it’s a dream come true. I reckon Twisted will be back which is fortunate as the run at the Theatre at the Mill is almost booked out.

Anne Hailes

More at theatreatthemill.com

3 thoughts on “Review – TWISTED at the Theatre at the Mill

  1. Brilliant musical. The show kept everyone spell bound. Although the majority of the cast were very young they did a first class job. The music was both catchy and serious when require and we had a wonderful night. Congratulations to Esler who has fulfilled his life-long ambition. Worth waiting for .

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