NI Opera opening Rigoletto rehearsals as part of a dynamic outreach week

NI Opera are opening up their rehearsals to primary schools, post primary schools, young people with disabilities and learning difficulties, young people in care, diversity charities, LGBT charities, health charities, carers, choirs, cross-community groups and homeless shelter user groups. As part of a dynamic outreach week that includes 12 different events involving over 40 organisations, NI Opera are truly giving the people of Belfast an ‘access all areas’ experience of Rigoletto. Through tailored workshops, pre-show talks, a ‘Come and Sing’ sing-a-long with the Belfast Philharmonic and a packed out community Dress Rehearsal, NI Opera are out to show that opera is for everybody.

Kate Guelke, NI Opera’s Outreach Co-ordinator, commented that ‘opera really does have something for everyone – it’s powerfully multidisciplinary, harnessing music, poetry, drama and design to tell stories about being human. We’re interested in showing what an incredible and inclusive art form opera can be. Showing people how opera works from the inside – whether behind the scenes as part of a tour, observing the rehearsals onstage or singing from the score – are fantastic ways of demystifying one of the great wonders of the world, Verdi’s masterpiece Rigoletto.’

NI Opera’s Outreach Week is happening in association with the Grand Opera House from Monday the 24th of September to Sunday the 30th of September as part of their residency.


Sun 30 September 2018 – Sat 06 October 2018If the cilia are covered in Tar, they cialis sale can’t work right, and germs and dirt stay in the lungs (also known as hypertension).

Times: Sun 6pm (Charity Gala), Tue – Sat 7.30pm

Tickets available from